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ASC 606 Implementation Challenges and Solutions

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Anji Rasakonda



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ASC 606: Navigating Implementation Challenges and Solutions with Aeries’ Expertise

ASC 606, or Accounting Standards Codification 606, is a significant accounting standard issued by the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) in the United States. It outlines the principles and guidelines for revenue recognition from contracts with customers. ASC 606 is significant as it establishes a unified framework for revenue recognition practices, improves compatibility of financial statements, and enhances transparency in financial reporting. Compliance with ASC 606 is essential for businesses to accurately represent their revenue and financial performance, impacting everything from financial statements to investor confidence.

However, there are a few initial hurdles that companies face in the implementation of this new revenue recognition standard. In this blog, we will explore what is ASC 606, its need for businesses, and specifically address how does ASC 606 change revenue recognition, alongside the challenges and Aeries’ role in simplifying compliance.

Need of ASC 606 for Businesses

The need for ASC 606 arises from the shortcomings and inconsistencies in the previous revenue recognition standard, ASC 605. Before the introduction of ASC 606, revenue recognition in the United States followed a fragmented approach with various industry-specific standards, as outlined in ASC 605. This lack of standardization within ASC 605 standards created confusion and inconsistencies in financial reporting, making it challenging for investors and stakeholders to compare financial statements across different companies and industries.

ASC 605 standards contained loopholes that allowed companies to manipulate revenue recognition, potentially distorting financial results. Companies used aggressive accounting methods to record revenue prematurely or delay its recognition, presenting an inaccurate picture of their financial health. These loopholes undermined investor trust and hindered accurate assessment of a company’s financial performance.

ASC 606 provides a comprehensive revenue recognition standard for all industries. The innovative approach introduces a unified framework that stresses recognizing revenue as customers gain control of goods or services, ensuring businesses report revenue in a way that mirrors the actual economics of transactions. This standardization reduces the potential for revenue manipulation and provides investors with a more transparent view of a company’s financial health.

ASC 606’s significance lies in its ability to establish consistency and transparency in revenue recognition practices, promoting fair presentation in financial reporting. It enhances the accuracy and comparability of financial statements, allowing investors and stakeholders to make more informed decisions and fostering confidence in financial markets.

Implementation Challenges in ASC 606

  1. Complex Contracts: ASC 606, also known as the Revenue from Contracts with Customers standard, has incorporated significant changes to revenue recognition practices across industries. For businesses dealing with complex contracts, ASC 606 presents multiple challenges:

    A. Variable Considerations: Variable consideration is a concept within ASC 606 that refers to the fluctuating payment in a contract, such as discounts, rebates, bonuses, or penalties. Its introduction poses a challenge for businesses due to its inherent unpredictability.

    Previously, many businesses would recognize revenue once they knew the exact amount they would receive. Under ASC 606, companies must estimate the variable consideration and record it as revenue if they expect no significant reversals in the future.

    Accurately predicting outcomes is a challenging task for businesses as it requires considering several factors such as historical data, present circumstances, and reasonable forecasts. Being too optimistic while making predictions can lead to overestimation of revenue, while being too cautious may result in underreporting and inaccuracy. Therefore, accounting for the variable considerations under ASC 606 requires careful judgment, which can pose a significant challenge for businesses.

    B. Multi-Element Arrangements: Multi-element arrangements, where a contract includes multiple products or services, pose a challenge under ASC 606. Previously, companies could bundle revenues from various elements and recognize them as one. However, under ASC 606 each element is identified and assigned a standalone selling price. Revenue is recognized separately upon delivery of each distinct product or service.

    Determining the standalone price for each element, especially when it is not sold individually, requires judgment. Additionally, tracking delivery timelines for each component becomes essential. So, businesses now face the challenge of accurately splitting, pricing, and timing revenue for every element in a contract, making the process more intricate than before.

    C. Contract Costs: Contract costs are the expenses companies incur to get and fulfill a contract, like sales commissions or setup fees. Under ASC 606, certain contract costs are recognized as assets and then amortized over the contract period. This shift requires businesses to assess which costs qualify and how long they should be spread out. Instead of immediately expensing these costs, companies now track and amortize them systematically. This innovative approach demands a detailed understanding of contract-related expenses, more intricate accounting processes, and potentially new systems or tools, making it a challenging aspect of ASC 606 adoption.

  2. Identifying Separate Performance Obligations Within Bundled Contracts: In ASC 606, a key task for businesses with bundled contracts is identifying separate performance obligations. A bundled contract combines multiple goods or services. Under this new standard, each distinct good or service within that bundle must be recognized as a separate “performance obligation.”

    The challenge lies in determining which items are truly distinct and can stand alone, offering individual value to the customer. For example, a smartphone with a bundled service plan contains two potential obligations: the device and the service. Recognizing and valuing each component ensures accurate revenue recognition. However, drawing clear boundaries in intricate bundles can be complex, making this step a significant hurdle for many businesses.

  3. Recognizing Revenue Point in Time and Over Time: ASC 606 necessitates that businesses determine whether revenue should be recorded “over time” or “at a point in time.” This determination goes beyond merely considering when payment is received. Instead, companies must evaluate their service or product delivery process. “Over time” recognition demands proof that customers receive and consume benefits as work progresses, while recognition “at a point in time” typically occurs upon product delivery or service completion. Choosing between these methods can be intricate, involving a detailed analysis of contract particulars and how their offerings deliver value to customers, rendering this aspect of ASC 606 notably challenging.

  4. Fair Value Measurements: Fair Value Measurements under ASC 606 pose a significant challenge for businesses. They are now required to determine the value of a product or service based on what they could receive from a customer in an arm’s length transaction rather than solely relying on what they are charging. This necessitates estimation of a fair price, considering internal factors like costs and external factors such as market conditions and competitor pricing. Achieving accuracy in this process is challenging, as it demands the collection and analysis of extensive data. Moreover, businesses often contend with uncertainties and rapidly changing markets, making it difficult to establish precise prices and accurately recognize the right amount of revenue.

  5. Allocation of Fair Value: Under ASC 606, businesses face the challenge of allocating transaction prices to performance obligations based on their standalone selling prices. This means if a contract has multiple parts, companies must divide the total price across these parts fairly, based on what each part would sell for on its own. Determining standalone prices is complicated, especially for unique or bundled items not sold separately. Companies must estimate these prices, considering market conditions and specific customer details. This added layer of judgment and calculation complicates revenue recognition, making it difficult for businesses to ensure they are compliant with ASC 606.

    Navigating the complexities and stringent requirements presented by ASC 606 can be challenging. However, our team of experts can help you implement solutions efficiently and effectively. With our deep expertise in financial standards and regulatory compliance, we provide tailored solutions that meet your specific requirements. Our goal is to ensure that your business achieves compliance without any hassle.

Aeries’ Role in Implementing ASC 606

In this landscape of enhanced financial scrutiny and the demand for transparency, the role of expert financial guidance becomes paramount. Aeries is unwavering in its commitment to ensuring fair presentations for clients, a fundamental aspect of our broader accounting transformation strategy.  Fair presentation is not just a regulatory requirement. It is a core principle that reflects the integrity and transparency of financial reporting. Aeries understands that a fair presentation of financial information is crucial for maintaining investor trust, attracting capital, and making informed strategic decisions.

By leveraging its expertise and resources, Aeries provides comprehensive support to clients in achieving ASC 606 compliance for revenue recognition. The result is compliance and a financial reporting framework that accurately reflects the economic substance of transactions, instilling confidence in investors and stakeholders.

How Aeries Help Clients Overcome ASC 606 Challenges

Aeries services encompass crucial aspects, including developing robust accounting policies to tackle challenges related to ASC 606 implementation, seamlessly integrating advanced techniques into existing systems, and establishing stringent internal controls. With meticulous planning, thorough data analysis, and continuous support, Aeries guarantees precise and compliant revenue recognition practices, strengthening their clients’ finance and accounting processes.

  1. Advanced technology for Contract Management: Aeries offers AI-powered contract management systems to help businesses analyze complex contracts by accurately and efficiently identifying terms, conditions, and performance obligations. These AI-powered systems are programmed to recognize the nuances of ASC 606 to ensure compliance from the outset.
  2. Expertise in Identifying Performance Obligations: The Aeries team comprises financial experts with a comprehensive understanding of every aspect of ASC 606. This expertise empowers them to conduct insightful contract analyses, pinpointing distinct performance obligations and ensuring precise revenue recognition. Additionally, Aeries prioritizes continuous learning by organizing regular training sessions on the latest regulations and standards, ensuring the teams remain up-to-date and equipped to address evolving compliance requirements.
  3. Technology-Driven ASC 606 Revenue Recognition: Aeries leverage innovative software solutions to automate revenue recognition processes, effectively mitigating the risk of human error. This automation ensures that revenue is recognized in alignment with ASC 606 criteria, whether over time or at a specific point in time. These advanced systems efficiently handle substantial volumes of data, making them particularly advantageous for businesses managing extensive customer contracts.
  4. Robust Approach to Fair Value Measurements: Aeries utilizes data analytics tools to determine fair value measurements by analyzing market trends, competitor pricing, and internal costs. This data-driven approach assists in making informed choices, ensuring fair value measurements are reasonable and compliant with ASC 606.
  5. Systematic Allocation of Transaction Price: Aeries provides strategic consulting to businesses for establishing product and service prices, drawing insights from a wealth of market studies and expert evaluations. Additionally, they employ advanced software solutions to autonomously allocate prices across different contract segments, utilizing predetermined prices for each contract component. This approach ensures precision in pricing strategies and contract management.


Implementing ASC 606 is a pivotal milestone for businesses aiming for heightened financial transparency and unwavering regulatory compliance. Despite its complexities, this journey can unlock new levels of stakeholder confidence and operational excellence. With the right guidance and tools, companies can successfully navigate these challenges, enhancing their resilience and compliance. Aeries provides customized solutions that not only meet the rigorous demands of ASC 606 but also empower businesses to excel in their financial reporting endeavors.

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